(EN) |
On February 7, 2018, an intervention took place in the government of St. Eustatius. The Island Council has been dissolved, its members have been relieved of their duties and the commissionars have also been removed from their positions. Under the leadership of Marcolino Franco and his deputy Mervyn Stegers, a "new" St. Eustatius will be established.
The reason for this is a report by the Committee of Wise Men which, in turn, has led to the necessary intervention legislation. State Secretary Knops has piloted this legislation through the Lower and Upper Houses in a very short time and so the two gentlemen were flown in on the island on February 7, 2018 and presented to the local population in a townhall meeting.
This website gives further information about the development from this intervention date.
If you have any questions or remarks please let me know by sending an e-mail to or by using the possibility to - via Contact - respond to the webstie.
With kind regards,
Jan Meijer (lives and works on the island since mid-2014).
Note: For the record. My observations are personal and independent. I am not affiliated with any political party; not on St. Eustatius, not in the European Netherlands.
Note: The translation from NL to EN has been done using